
Ok so hi?

Apparently I haven't written anything in three long years. For someone who used to write almost every day, that's really long. So hi again. I'm back around I guess, hopefully for a long time. I have made restarting the blog again as my new year resolution this year so let's see how this pans out.

So latest updates as a start. Just had a second baby about 7 months ago. Still like to think that I'm very much still in postpartum period. The oldest has just started playschool this year and we are dealing and adapting to that change too. I'm still working at the same company that I did three years ago. Juggling work with family is not easy but I try to power through every day, doing the best that I can. But I can say that life is mostly about family now which is something that I love very much. Like the whole aspects of it. And I never forgot writing. I still write, just in different platforms. Mostly in my phone notes and journal apps. And they're not long anymore. Just bits and pieces of thoughts or moments that happen from time to time. But reading, now that is something that I haven't done in a long time. Not having the time is one thing, the money allocation also has gone to my two precious little ones most of the time. There's always new clothes that we never have tried or toys that they need to play with. This is purely on Mummy.

Let's see if I can keep up with this. 


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