long overdue wedding reception

So, Amin and I had our wedding reception last Saturday.

We just had to. Some of our friends are starting to forget that we're married so this is a good refresh. Plus, my sister also got married and our parents thought that this would be a very good time to hold a joint reception. One shot headache, they said. Well, they're not wrong. The next wedding reception at this scale we'll probably be having is in 25-30 years from now when our kids are all grown up. So till then, we don't have to think about this yet. 

They're not even here yet and I already think that far... 

On a serious note, it is such a relief to get the reception done actually. To be frank, I didn't plan to hold one because it's been months since we got married and many things have happened since then and given the current situation that is full of uncertainties, I just don't want to plan a reception and have it postponed at the last minute again. Plus, I like my intimate nikah ceremony and I was thinking of actually leaving it just at that. But people keep saying that wedding reception is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it's okay to do even just a simple one for the sake of memories. They're starting to give me fomo with all these talks so I thought yeah why not. It'll be fun. Even if it's not, it'll be something to look back on and cherish years from now #pessimists. But it was fun, really. We celebrated the day with our loved ones and good food and lots of pictures. We heard stories of people enjoying the food and even requested to bring home some for their family. We heard stories of people catching up with each other after not seeing one another for a very long time. Lots of good things happened at the reception, we heard. Our close family had been nothing but supportive throughout the day, contributed so much and coordinated together so that everyone can enjoy the day. The reception went just like the way I wanted, I guess. A massive Alhamdulillah for that. 

Right now I am still recovering from all the exhaustion. Amin has gone back to work yesterday and mine will start tomorrow. Another thing to focus on. I am excited to return back to work but also nervous at the same time since I haven't worked in a really long time. I am enjoying my last day as a housewife with my cats whom I haven't got to spend so much time with the last few days. 

On to a new journey as a working wife. I aim to thrive if that is at all possible. Well, they said shoot for the moon right?


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