caring for the sick
So the kids have been sick for close to two weeks now. We knew that starting school for Idris would mean having to deal with viruses and sickness in our household a lot more than we like to but that would be the thing that we just have to put up with I guess. And at the same time, I have started at new workplace this month so God knows it might come from me also. The tricky part is to keep little Sofia out of this as much as possible but it doesn't work this time. Idris is still having runny nose here and there and Sofia's fever has gone down but her voice is like gone now because of the cold. She has the loudest cry in this house so it breaks my heart to see her crying her heart out (as she always does) but like no sound coming out you know. But she has been feeding and eating alright so I think the throat is not sore or anything - just the voice is gone now.
I have to admit that I am a paranoid kind of mum when it comes to dealing with sick children. I can explain why or how they got sick (thanks to 4 years of Biochemistry school) but I have no idea about the practical aspect of it like monitoring symptoms or how to relieve them hence the paranoia. It was way worst when Idris was a baby because I was a first time mum but it does get better with experience. And with time you will know what works and what doesn't on your children. To be honest, I have never stopped feeling like a first time mum when it comes to anything related to my children but I keep telling myself that I am doing my best with the capabilities that I currently have and with the knowledge and resources I currently have #motherhoodaffirmation. I took a few days off work to look after them and try and error a few things to manage the fever.
1. Tepid sponging
For toddlers and babies especially, their body temperatures tend to fluctuate and follow the surrounding temperature so patting their body with wet towels or washcloth can help relieving the temperature for a bit. I also do shower as much as possible to cool down their temperature.
2. A lot of soup
Idris has always liked soup so I usually make it a little extra when he's not feeling well. Extra garlic, extra ginger, extra lemongrass. extra chicken feet broth also. Sofia likes her plain water so I alternate them with soup. Besides water, I let Idris have some orange juice or Ribena for a little boost of Vitamin C.
3. Koolfever
I don't find any significant change in temperature drop in using this but I think it does help with cooling a bit and keeping them kids a little comfortable. Plus, it also gives me some sort of placebo effect I think? Haha. Slapping them on their body ease my mind a bit for some reason, I don't know why. But I only put them on their body parts.
4. No clothing
This time around I am strict about the no-clothing at all. I just let them have diapers on only, and socks during night sleep. Clothing can trap the heat of their body so it can raise their temperature.
5. Meds
This is usually my last resort. We tried PCM suppository on Sofia for the first time (I never use them with Idris before). It does help with the temperature but I found it to be a little strong too. So I only use twice on Sofia and the rest only relied on oral PCM. And I have no luck too because just like Idris, she also hates meds and refuse to swallow them. Nasal spray helps with the runny nose but need to brace ourselves with the scream because God forbids we should spray anything inside their nose for a millisecond. And I also just found out that there is also oral spray for sore throat and ulcers so we are trying that with Sofia. So far no major improvement yet but I think it might take a little while.
I am physically tired to be honest but still able to push on but the mental drain is something else. Imagine two weeks long of worrying. Although it does get better once they're showing signs of recovery. I know that this is not supposed to be easy and as much as I suffer, the kids surely suffer more and they have been trying to cope as much as they can in ways that they know how. Praying for a fast recovery for them so Mummy can go have some self-reward! (read: me time).
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