
 I really did think, at one point, that I would stop writing anything on the internet. But I don't know what came over me this morning because here I am, typing. 

My husband has started working this week. We're so excited about his first job and also nervous at the same time because we know that it's going to be one massive change for both of us. So much so that I actually purposely delay my own job start date so that we both can adapt to him working first. I thought if both of us started working at the same time it'll be too much to deal with and adapt to so here we are taking one small step at a time. I have never been apart from him since a year ago and this is no exaggerating. We were together literally 24/7 for the past one year. When we were in Liverpool all his classes were online so he never really left the house without me. Same goes during the following months in Malaysia after we came back. So this is a big change for both of us. It's a big thing to adapt to. 

Anyway, it is time for both of us to step out into the world once again. To be out there with the rest of the people. Working and hustling and complaining and contributing. I am cherishing every moment I could spend with myself right now. Like I know things will change in many ways after this. I will love some of them and I will hate some of them. But that's just lfe I guess. I have loved every moment of being a housewife though that I am actually considering doing it again in the future. Feel very grateful and blessed that I have been given the opportunity and privilege to have the experience to be one. But this year I'm planning to go back to workforce and do something for myself so hopefully that will work out fine. 

I still don't know how this year will pan out for us, especially for me. But I'm thinking that that shouldn't really be a bad thing. I'll just go out and see how things go. Be as flexible as I could possibly be and just feel the world around me as I go. 


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