the lockdown life

 Well, I'm not exactly still in a lockdown anymore. Everyone is back to office already (at least mine is) and we can go almost everywhere now. Just like how it used to be but not quite, right? 

I'm sure everyone is going through mad changes too. Some have gone/are going through the good ones, some are not. I have my fair share of both I would say. The beginning was really difficult because the pandemic was still new to everyone and there were so much confusions and questions and fears. I didn't even let my parents leave the house. Work was especially difficult at that point because businesses were in shock too and everyone was trying to find ways to keep going. I was a mess at that time. It didn't help that everyone was kept at home for a long period of time too. That plus work schedule plus the pandemic that was going on kind of took a toll on my mental health. It was, honestly, a bad time. I have made some changes in my life ever since, but it was so bad that even now whenever I encounter something that I could associate with that time of my life it would just throw me back to that time and I would feel the fear and anxiety again. It's crazy. I even stop listening to the songs that I kept replaying at the time. They just take me back and I cannot handle it. 

My family is safe and healthy, Alhamdulillah. Lily and Luna too. It's been such a great time watching them growing up for the past few months (since I was at home a lot). I changed job about a couple of months ago and it's been going on very well so far, Alhamdulillah. My health is improving and I'm in the process of adapting to all the changes (both good and bad). That's what growing up is all about right? Adapting. You will continue to adapt until you become okay with things. That's basically how life is anyway it's just that this whole lockdown thing kind of speed up the learning process of adapting and just force you to do it. You have no choice. 

So here's to life of adapting and turning over to new pages - you just have to find the courage within you to do it.   


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