from the other side of the world

I didn't think that I could travel and see this kind of view in this near future but this was taken from my window seat a couple of days ago. I think we were high up somewhere around Czech Republic when this was taken - it was cloudy everywhere. 

My closest friends still can't comprehend how I possibly manage to make this such a no big deal but ever since the last post - 

1. I got married to the guy I had been seeing since final year uni.

2. I quit my job.

3. I stayed at my in-laws up in the east coast for a few weeks. 

4. and then just a few days ago I packed my bags and flew out of the country to stay for a little while with my husband at Liverpool. 

All these changes within the span of 5 weeks. 

Liverpool is okay. A little more rush compared to Edinburgh but it doesn't feel exactly new and unfamiliar. We are currently self-isolating at home for the next 10 days and the whole country is under a national lockdown still so we will just be at home the whole time I guess. I'm still fighting jet lag but overall I'm still adapting. 

We'll be fine. I'll be fine. It'll be hard, but I'll be fine. 
