little growth
I'm trying to fight off my sleepiness actually as I'm typing this. It's half past 10 now which is well within my bedtime but the sky outside is still a little bright and isyak prayer is not for another half an hour at least so here I am rambling and thinking about how summer is my least favourite season because of the enforced change in my bedtime. I had a good day though. The other day I was watching an igstory of a stay-at-home mother who listed out her plans to do during the recent MCO back home and one of them was to do at least one additional home cleaning task on top of normal daily house stuff and I thought oh wow that is inspiring. So I did that today by cleaning and organizing one of the kitchen cabinets (which was an upgrade from yesterday in which I only cleaned and sanitized the cabinet doors lol). It looks great. I know which pan goes where now and already told/warned Amin to not mess up the organization whenever he helps in the kitchen. I did laundry for th...